If you are a beginner, consider starting with lower heels - but note that high heels provide easier weight placement.
Shoes on this website: you have the option to select various heel heights, starting at 1.8" (4.5 cm) to 3.6" (9 cm).
Avoid extended points on shoes.
Shoes on this website: none of the shoes on this website have extended points.
Ensure there is maximum support for the foot arch.
Shoes on this website: have high density, robust latex memory padding to provide excellent stability and comfort.
Tango shoes must provide high support behind the heel.
Shoes on this website: maximum non-stick support behind the heel.
Good shoes should be extremely well balanced when you stand on only one foot.
Shoes on this website: are all built with balance as a quality criteria.
Shoes must be sufficiently well fitting that you maintain good circulation, but ensure you never slide inside them.
Shoes on this website: the sizing is on the smaller side, to ensure good fit and non-slip.
Beginners may want to start with closed toe shoes, for added protection.
Shoes on this website: there are a number of closed toe models.
Sweat destroys tango shoes and makes them slippery - so purchase more than one pair (many women and men have ten or more!) and alternate, letting the ones you use last dry.
Shoes on this website: built with leather inner lining to protect against sweat and stains.
You should buy the same size shoes as your street shoes.
Shoes on this website: built with normal street size, with a reasonably tight fit.
The Heel height is measured from the tip of the heel on the ground, to where it meets the shoe body.
Shoes on this website: see a picture of our various heel heights on the Sizing page.
Soles can be cleaned by a metal brush supplied by shoe shops.
Shoes on this website: our soles are built to last, but nevertheless should be cleaned to provide optimal dancing, particularly the suede soles.
Choose your sole very carefully. Suede grips the floor better, and is particularly good on slippery floors, but will need to be brushed every now and again to keep its surface optimal. Leather soles are more resilient, and slide better. Because of its flexibility and softness, suede soles will make the entire shoe much more flexible, and your feet will have a more initimate contact with the floor. The flexibility is great, but means that the shoe will offer significantly less balance to the foot. We personally prefer and recommend leather soles, but that said, many women enjoy the flexibility and contact that suede provides.
Shoes on this website: you have the option of either leather or suede soles
Choose the outer material of your shoes carefully.
Shoes on this website: see explanation of the various types and behaviors of outer materials on the Sizing page.
If you think you require wide or narrow width shoes, you probably do.
Shoes on this website: we provide Normal, Wide or Narrow width options on most of our models.