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Argentine Tango Shoes

What are Argentine Tango Shoes?

There are two definitions for Argentine Tango Shoes that are subtly different:

1 Tango Shoes that are made in Argentina.

2 Shoes that are designed for Argentine tango dancing (please note that non-Argentine tango dancing is tango that is danced to non-Argentine music).

Difference Between Tango Shoes and Other Shoes

Women's tango shoes:

1 The structure is very different, because the shoes are built to carry the follower almost entirely on the balls of her feet.

2 The heels are very often slim or ultra-slim and quite high, to enable keeping the weight forward - which also gives the tango shoe a very beautiful look.

3 The insole attached to the outsole using rubber cement is further reinforced with nails to provide structural stability.

4 In between the insole and the outsole, there is a shank (a piece of metal) to support the arch. the shank is shorter in tango shoes to provide extra flexibility.

5 Very smooth outsole, of leather or suede - they must be able to slide and pivot on the dancefloor without slipping.

6 The padding on top of the insole is thicker to provide extra comfort

7 The upper is attached to the insole not only using rubber cement (which all shoes use) but on top of that, they use nails as well. This ensures tango shoes are super-strong.

Men's tango shoes:

1 Very smooth outsole, of leather or suede - they must be able to slide on the dancefloor without slipping.

2 Higher heels (French / Cuban).

3 The padding on top of the insole is thicker to provide extra comfort

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