Articles on Tango
Our team at
Very Tango Store has added this part of the website to be one of the premier sites for tango information. Meticulous care has gone into every one of the articles contained therein, often with hundreds of cross-reference checks against other sources to ensure completeness and accuracy. This website, whose focus is the immense beauty, sensuality and richness of tango, is indeed a huge labor of love!
An immense thank you must go to every one of our readers who have read and enjoyed
Very Tango, particularly those who have written to express some very kind words of encouragement. Interestingly, what began as an unknown website getting almost no hits, has now grown to thousands of visitors a day and growing.
In the words of one of our readers:
In the short time I have been learning about tango, I have checked every site on the internet that I can find, and this site is in a class by itself. I cannot imagine the many hundreds of hours it must have taken to create and to maintain this exceptional library of information. It has been less than a year since I started my journey to learn Argentine tango, and I can say from experience that Naomi Hotta's quote, "...In seven out of ten cases it takes over a person's life", has a lot of truth. All the other dances that I have enjoyed learning are fun to do and very alluring, but Argentine tango truly gets into the blood and the heart and the mind, and becomes part of the fabric of a person's life. This is a lifelong journey I am looking forward to.
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